FAQs about Therapy in Brea, CA and Online Therapy in Arizona
Welcome to our FAQ page! Here you'll find answers to common questions about therapy, our services, and how we can support your mental health journey. If you have any additional questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to help you every step of the way.
How long are therapy sessions?
Whether you are doing in-person therapy or online therapy, intake assessments are 60 minutes and regular sessions are 50-55 minutes.
How much does therapy cost?
A 60-minute intake assessment costs $200 and 50-minute individual therapy sessions costs $185.
Where are you located and what is your availability?
My office is located in Brea, California. My practice hours are Monday - Thursday, 11 am - 6 pm (last appointment, 5 pm). During your consultation, we'll further discuss scheduling and find an option that works best for you.
Do you offer online therapy?
I offer in-person therapy in Brea, California, and online therapy for residents of California or Arizona. Due to license restrictions, I'm unable to meet with clients who are not located in California or Arizona.
I'm not sure I need therapy, and/or this will be my first time in therapy...
You may be wondering if you "need" therapy, but the truth is that everyone can benefit from seeing a therapist - people come to therapy for all sorts of reasons, including work stress, trauma, relationship issues, life transitions, and self-exploration. If you find that your relationships, work, and/or daily routine are being impacted, it may be time to seek extra support.
How often will I need to come to therapy?
Research is clear that weekly sessions lead to better treatment outcomes. Clients benefit from weekly sessions for a number of reasons, such as stronger alliance with the therapist, spending more time in session on underlying dynamics rather than “catching up,” and more focused attention on learning and practicing skills outside of therapy. For these reasons, I find that it's beneficial to meet weekly for the first 4-6 weeks. If we decide that you would benefit from more frequent therapy, then we can schedule sessions more often; or on the flip side, if you need to meet less frequently due to scheduling limitations of finances, that's okay, too.
How long will I be in therapy?
Every client is different. It’s a common thing for clients to feel significant relief after only a few sessions, usually because the act of starting therapy gives a boost in hopefulness. However, I have found that problems that have developed and grown over the course of many years cannot be solved within a few weeks. Part of my process is to regularly ask you what your goals are and how you’re progressing toward them. You get to decide how long you come to therapy, and our conversations about your progress will help you decide.
Do you accept insurance?
Yes, I am in-network with Aetna, Optum, and United Healthcare, Oscar, Oxford, Meritian, UMR, and UHC Student Resources.
My insurance plan isn't in-network but I would still like to work with you. What are my options?
If I am not contracted with your health insurance provider and your plan has "out-of-network" coverage, I am happy to provide you with a superbill. The way it works is, you pay my standard therapy fee at the time of your service, I provide you with a receipt to submit to your insurance, and then you submit the receipt to your insurance company to get partial reimbursement for your sessions.
How do I check if I have out-of-network coverage?
This is easy! Just call your insurance company and ask them if your plan includes out-of-network benefits. If you do have out-of-network benefits, ask your insurance company the following questions:
What is my deductible? How much of my deductible have I met this year?
Is pre-approval required before obtaining out-of-network services in order to be reimbursed?
How do I obtain reimbursement for therapy with an out-of-network provider? How do I submit claim forms for reimbursement?
If I submit a claim, will I be reimbursed the full amount I paid or a portion? (If they ask for codes, you can give them 90791 for the initial assessment and 90834 and 90837 for individual sessions).
*Here is a helpful article with more information*
What is your cancellation policy?
If you need to cancel, please do so within 48 hours of your scheduled appointment to allow other clients access to scheduling and to avoid cancellation fees. All appointments that are cancelled with less than 48 hours notice incur my full session fee. As a courtesy, appointments that are cancelled in less than 48 hours may be rescheduled on the condition that the cancellation was due to an emergency.
What forms of payment do you accept?
I accept all major credit cards through a secure third-party payment system, IvyPay. I ask that all clients keep an active card on file to cover additional fees incurred including, cancelled appointments, documentation requests, etc.
How do I get started?
Everyone must complete a consultation to get started so we can make sure we're a good fit for therapy. During our call, we can talk more about your needs and how I can support you in therapy. Please click here to schedule your complimentary 15-minute consultation. I look forward to hearing from you!